B&H Women of Influence


Interviewed in late fall 2016, Eve's episode aired April 2017, one of 10 in B&H Photo's series "Women of Influence."  Each episode is available on the B&H website here. The other incredible women photographers and cinematographers Cristina Mittermeier, Barbara Davidson, Brooke Shaden, Elsa Garrison, Kirsten Johnson, Sandy Puc, Vivienne Gucwa, Katrin Eismann, and Polly Morgan. 

This series is an inspirational look at the talent, drive, and perseverance that forged some remarkable photographic and filmmaking careers.

Ten leading women explore their works, the stories of how each built careers, overcame challenges, and developed signature styles.

This series is brought to you by B&H, with the generous support of Canon and Sony.

Eve Cohen